Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Hanoi (Vietnam) to Vientiane (Laos) overland...

...over lots of land. Having spent the past 4 days nearly solidly travelling from London (flights to Hanoi then 19 hours of minibus) we are relaxing in what is officially the most laid back capital in the world, Vientiane the capital of Laos. The official inscription on the highest profile landmark in the city (a copy of the Arc de Triumphe) admits that "up close it looks like a concrete monster", and was made from concrete donated by the US to build a new airport. Perhaps they were trying to help rebuild after droping a bomb in Laos on average every 8 minutes for 9 years during the Vietnam war. Our brief stop in Hanoi (see photo) was long enough to appreciate the incredible skill and chaos of the mopeds interweaving at crossroads where the traffic lights really only serve as decoration. In contrast on Vientiane roads its all about going as slowly and quietly as you can, and even the smiley tuk-tuk drivers seem much happier when you turn down their reluctant offer to drive you somewhere.

Today we're taking in the sites and wats of Vientiane, building up to a meal of crickets (translated generously as deep fried underground singers) and frog kebabs tonight.... maybe. Although breakfast was less adventurous, gently easing ourselves into this backpacker lifestyle with croissants and lattes in a Scandinavian bakery!


  1. Glad to hear that you are breaking yourself in easy...

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